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Hydrangea macrophylla

The mop-head and lace-caps of today descend from plants native to a small area in eastern Japan. They are long lived plants, easy to grow, thriving in shade, woodland gardens and near the coast, whilst they also thrive in shady spots. Their flowers range through green, white, pink, blue, red and purple. The flowers give a fine display from June until November. The traditional Hortensias (H. macrophylla), have two basic types of flowerheads.

  • LACE-CAPS are usually flat with small flowers without petals in the centre and showy flowers with petals on the outside.

  • MOP-HEADS have a ball of flowers at the end of the stems of the current seasons growth. 

The Flower colour of Hydrangea macrophylla will vary with soil type and most will form round bushes between 1m and 3m tall. 

Flower colour of Hydrangea macrophylla varieties 

  • The flowers of the pink Hydrangea macrophylla varieties will usually go blue in acid soils, but stay pink in alkaline soils. Blue flowers will only remain blue if the soil is acid and there is sufficient Aluminium Sulphate in the compost or soil in your garden, if the soil is alkaline the flowers will be pink. White varieties do not change colour with the soil. 
  • If you purchase a Hydrangea macrophylla with blue or pink in its name, on the nursery we have grown the blue ones in an acid compost and the pink ones in a neutral compost. The blue one will also have Aluminium Sulphate added to the compost. As soon as the Hydrangeas are re potted or planted in your garden the colour of the flowers may change depending upon the pH (acidity) of the soil.
  • If you use a Peat free compost for blue varieties they will almost certainly come out pink.
  • The technical explanation - the blue colour of Hydrangea macrophylla flowers is determined by the presence of an Anthrocynin Delphinidin 3 - Monoglucoside. The blue colour is caused by the binding of Aluminium Sulphate with the Anthrocynin. This happens under acid soil conditions. 

*Please note the white and pale coloured flowered varieties will often burn if grown in full sun. 

Pruning Hydrangea macrophylla varieties. 

  • Remove dead heads in spring (late March/early April), and thin out weak and dead stems. You can thin the brown stems to get larger flowers.
  • Do not prune in the autumn as the old flowers give some frost protection to young shoots in early spring. The brown flower heads also look great in winter when covered in frost.
  • If you need to shorten the plant always cut above a bud. 

*Please note any hydrangeas with no add to cart button unless otherwise stated are currently out of stock or are only available in limited numbers. Please contact us to check availability 01622 833218 thank you.

As we are a growing, working nursery please note all our hydrangea plants will be dispatched for delivery either with or without flowers on at time of order. 

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Showing products 193 to 233 of 233
Hydrangea macrophylla Rouge Baiser (H)

Large rounded clusters of red flowers opening with green centres turning fully red with age.

Hydrangea macrophylla Royal Red Blue

A dark purple mop head hydrangea.

Hydrangea macrophylla Sabrina (PBR) (Dutch Ladies Series) (H)

Mop head with rounded clusters of white flowers edged with reddish pink margins.

Hydrangea macrophylla Salsa (PBR) (Dutch Ladies Series) (H)

Double clusters of mop head white flowers edged with coral pink to red.

Hydrangea macrophylla  Sandra (Dutch Ladies Series) (L)

A compact variety with large flat white lace cap flowers in summer with flushed pink edges.

Hydrangea macrophylla Sarena Blue

Beautiful rounded clusters of blue mop head flowers in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla Saskia (PBR) (Dutch Ladies Series) (H)

Clusters of deep red flowers with an orangey white centre gradually turning deep red.

Hydrangea macrophylla Selina (PBR) (Dutch Ladies Series) (L)

Flat lace-cap flower heads of pink red florets which fade to pale cream in the centre.

Hydrangea macrophylla Selma (PBR) (Dutch Ladies Series) (L)

Large rounded clusters of deep pink Mop head flowers.

Hydrangea macrophylla Shakira (Dutch Ladies Series) (H)

Large clusters of mop head white flowers from summer to autumn.

Hydrangea macrophylla Silver Star

Beautiful triple star shaped clusters of white green cream mop head flowers in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla Snowball (H) or Schneeball

Mop head with large rounded clusters of white flowers in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla SO LONG EBONY Monmar

A re flowering mop head hydrangea with black stems of blue or pink flowers in summer depending upon soil type.

Hydrangea macrophylla SO LONG Rosy COUMONT

A re flowering mop head variety with pink flowers in summer turning green with age.

Hydrangea macrophylla  SO LONG Starlit Aya Large Specimen Plant

A compact hydrangea with very large flat bright pink or blue marbled white flowers with curly petals in summer. Has black stems with very unusual leaves.  

Hydrangea macrophylla SO LONG SUNNY TK02

Large white mop head flowers edged bright pink fringed in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla Soeur Therese (H)

Mop head paper white flower heads in summer can become green tinted with red in autumn.

Hydrangea macrophylla Speedy Red Blue

A purple flowering mop head hydrangea.

Hydrangea macrophylla Stargazer

Large double lace-cap flowers with pink centres edged white. Flower colour is dependant upon soil pH

Hydrangea macrophylla Stramini (PBR) GEMINI

Long lasting pink or blue mophead flowers from summer to autumn.

Hydrangea macrophylla Taube (Teller Series) (L)

Rose lace-cap flowers in summer changing colour with age.

Hydrangea macrophylla Tiffany Lila

A richly flowering mop head of blue or pink flowers curling into each other.

Hydrangea macrophylla Tiffany Pink

Small multi flowered pink lace-cap Hydrangea.

Hydrangea macrophylla Tinkerbell

Bi-colour variety with triple star shaped pink flowers edged slightly white.

Hydrangea macrophylla Tinkerbell Large Specimen Plant

Bi-colour variety with triple star shaped pink flowers edged slightly white.

Hydrangea macrophylla Tivoli Lilac

A bi coloured hydrangea with purple lilac mop head flowers edged white.

Hydrangea macrophylla Together (You & Me Series) Blue (H)

Mop head flowers are double blue which change through a series of colours as the season progresses.

Hydrangea macrophylla Together (You & Me Series) Blue (H) Large Specimen Plant

Mop head flowers are double blue which change through a series of colours as the season progresses.

Hydrangea macrophylla Together (You & Me Series) Pink (H)

Mop head flowers are double pink which change through a series of colours as the season progresses.

Hydrangea macrophylla Together (You & Me Series) Pink (H) Large Specimen Plant

Mop head flowers are double pink which change through a series of colours as the season progresses.

Hydrangea macrophylla Tovelit (H)

Mop head with rose violet to blue flowers according to soil.

Hydrangea macrophylla Tricolor (L/v)

Beautiful variegated variety with white pink lace cap flowers from July to September.

Hydrangea macrophylla Umbrella (Flair & Flavours Series)

Large balls of double or semi double pink mop head flowers on strong stems in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla Valvert Blue

Large mop head flowers opening green then turning blue streaked green in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla Vanilla Sky 'Hbavask' PBR (H)

Flattened mop head flowers opening greenish cream becoming cream in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla  White Caps

Compact variety with beautiful white slightly green curly edged mop head flowers in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla White Delight

Beautiful pure white mop head flowers in summer.

Hydrangea macrophylla Wudu (H)

Large balls of flowers opening white with green petals slowly turning to pure white.

Hydrangea macrophylla Zorro (L) AGM

Purple black stems with flat blue lace cap flowers sometimes with white centres in summer.